Friday, January 21, 2011

HW 32 - Thoughts following illness & dying unit

The question that I wanted to about talk about was, What might I do or address differently as a result of what you have learned this unit individually, and with your family? The dominant social practices in our culture usually involve a lot of family discussions, when it comes to illness and dying. Something that I might do differently, would be to expect any kind of family disscussion the second the sense of illness and dying kreep into our lives. For a very long time I have been listening to my parents, and following all of their rules. I'm not saying that I am going to stop, but from now on, i'm going to think a little more about what they are saying to me. The way I have addressed their statements have been as if I was under their control, and as if whatever they say is right, and whatever I say is wrong. Doing hw #30 allowed me to question my parents (for good purposes) and build myself to become more independent. So from what I have learned this unit, I will bring more thought towards other's ideas and feelings, and try to create a plan that will benefit myself, and them at the sametime.

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