Monday, February 14, 2011

HW 34 - Some Initial Thoughts On Birth

     Birth. Birth is considered to be "beautiful" by almost anyone you ask. Im feeling like birth is something that changes lives, and of course, something that creates life also. My sister was pregnant on two occasions, and I got to experience what it was like to be an uncle. My sister giving birth changed the way I thought about myself. I was no longer a little kid brother, I was that, an uncle, and eventually a role model. Birth doesn't only affect the one who gives birth, but also the people around, (familiy, friends.relatives. etc.)

     Birth is also something that people love. For example if you were a teenage girl, and you have the type of parents who would be disappointed in you for being pregnant at such a young age, that all goes away the instant the baby is born. I watch reality television shows, about women who are 16 and 17 being pregnant, and their parents are angry, because they felt that their child was irresponsible and stupid for getting pregnant at that age. As time goes on, and the baby is closer to being born, than before, all the troubles, and problems seem to just vanish. It's like babies are the only thing to ease someone's heart. Like birth is the best thing ever. After that, everything is out of control again, and the question "Why did I have this baby?" is in your head. "How could my life have been different if I hadn't gotten pregnant?" Getting pregnant is the first step to a new life, for multiple people, and giving birth is an even bigger step, for even more people.

-Why is birth such a big deal, to more people than it needs to be?
-Is there anyone out there, who doesn't fall into the trap of birth>anything,or anyone in the world?
-Why are some people so hypocritical towards birth?They don't want you to get pregnant, get mad if you do, and then all of a sudden are happy when you have the baby.????
What are other perspectives, or insights, when it comes to giving birth, or experiencing or witnessing  some kind of birth?

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