Sunday, February 27, 2011

HW 36 - Pregnancy & Birth Stories

   The first question that was asked to each(3) of the the people I interviewed, was what did you do while pregnant, to prepare for giving birth? The resposes that I got were not surprising: I took vitamines, and ate healthy. One person said that she drank a lot of red rasberry tea, and another said that she visited her doctor very often, to be up to date with her pregnancy. I also interviewed a male, and asked him the same question. he said that he made sure that his wife didn't over exert herself, and got cloths for the baby to come. That question really made me think the most, about others thoughts, and experiences with pregnancy. An insight that I gained from this interview was that you don't need to be pregnant (basically a woman) to have an important role in pregnancy. To explain this, a man also has an important role, when a woman is pregnant.
It is to take care of your wife during labor.

    This story helped me understand that men also have an important roole when it comes to pregnancy. It also allowed me to realize that the same things that our community encourage is what people follow. For example 1.When pregnant, you shouldn't over exert yourself, 2.You should eat healthy, and 3. you should visit a doctor often, to be up to date.
   Question that inspired me:What are the responsibilities of people(friends and family) when you are pregnant, or knowing someone who is pregnant?


  1. Good job. Those are common things women do. I like how you talked about a male's role during a woman's pregnancy. And yes you don't need to be a mother to comprehend what that's like but you won't fully understand until you are pregnant. You could work on being creative. Your blog is very vague and not very descriptive. Work on that bubble strategy i'm sure it will help.

  2. The concept of birth and the feelings that one has while being pregnant and preparing to give birth are hard ideas to grab. They are difficult to understand, especially if you have not yet experienced it. I have no real experience on the topic because i have not experienced it, but from what you have said, it seems like a pretty accurate representation of what goes on.

    A line that i really felt was powerful was the line about seeing doctors often. This is a very good habit to get into when you are pregnant as things can go wrong really fast. The fact that you were able to take this away from your interviews is very significant as it shows work and dedication. It shows that you dug deep into the topic in order to take away a key concept.

    Something that really inspired me to think further about this topic is the role that men play in pregnancy. Although they may not be pregnant themselves, they deffenitly play a spiritual and emotional role in keeping the woman on track from dietary measures to happiness and belief measures. This idea is something that i can take away and use further on in my life. Keep up the good work!

  3. His best like/idea was that men have something to do with a pregnancy even if they are not the one who is pregnant because they have to take care of the wife and make sure that she doesnt over exert herself and when the wife is in labor the man has to shop for the baby to make sure that the baby has clothes when it is born.
    What inspires me to think about the question is the fact that guys play a role in pregnancies. It inspires me because im a guy and I realized that while the woman is the one who is pregnant the guy also has a responsibility in the pregnancy. Also I was inspired when he said all of the ways women dealt with pregnancies because I didnt realize how much went into pregnancies.
