Tuesday, May 3, 2011

HW 51 - Second Third of COTD Book

During this part of the book, I wanted to continue telling the great stories I got a chance to experience, and my thoughts and feelings about each. Telling these stories helped me understand others perspectives on death, analyze my perspectives, and impact the reader's perspective of death. Just like the rest of the book, I address the issue that many people could possibly have (first), and the address the issue that the specific person is struggling with (second). Caring for the people going through these events also gives me a better understanding of ho they are, and how they got into their predicament.

"As tragic and terrifying as this funeral was, I still remember it with some appreciation. In particular, it was refreshing to see the way the two churches came together with fairness, compassion, and respect for each other and for the mother."(p.48)

"Unresolved grief or anger can create behavioral, mental, and health problems over time. When I learned that the memorial service was held but Phillip demanded that the ceremony be brief."(p.69)

I thought that this part of the book was really interesting. It's funny, because the whole style of the book never changes. She is always talking about the people she is helping, and how their problems become her problems once she gets to know them a little more. That is what I like about the book. She always has a certain way to show her feelings to help and address other's problems. Her doing this makes the book more interesting to read every page.

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